It seems that artificial intelligence is being talked about everywhere we look.  It is in the media and on the web, and it kind of begs the question, is it worth all the hype?  Rumors, miss understandings, miss information, and even get-rich-quick schemes based on AI seem to be everywhere.  I’ve lost count of how many claims I’ve seen for how easy it is to make money “on automatic” with ChatGPT. While some of these claims may or may not be true, it makes one wonder where all this is headed.  Will this die out like some little fad? Or will this be the next big thing to change our lives; something like the internet or the cell phone? 

In this article, we try to approach this with a sense of poise and rationality. We have attempted to collate a collection of statistics that can help give us a realistic framework on how far this technology has come and maybe give us an idea of where it is going. We can’t predict the future, but the more hard facts one has, the better one has of responding to what may be the biggest opportunity to arrive since the internet. 

Table of Contents

The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence

The field of artificial intelligence (AI) has come a long way since its inception. Early AI technology relied on simple algorithms and rules, but as time went on, more advanced methodologies started to emerge. One of these key advancements is machine learning, which allows software applications to become more accurate in predicting outcomes. This has revolutionized AI and expanded its capabilities.

Another important development in AI is deep learning, a subset of AI that focuses on mimicking the human brain’s neural networks. Deep learning is particularly useful in tasks like natural language processing, which deals with understanding and manipulating human language. Systems like Siri and Alexa, which are AI-powered voice assistants, rely on deep learning for improved language processing.

In recent years, reinforcement learning has also gained popularity within AI research. This technology finds applications in training AI systems to make decisions and adapt their actions to specific environments. Reinforcement learning is often used in robotics and control systems to enable them to learn and adapt in real-world scenarios.

The AI Market Landscape


Key Points in this section:

The AI market has been growing at an impressive rate over the past few years, with industries worldwide adopting smart technologies to expand their capabilities. Companies in the United States and China are among the largest players in the global AI market, driving significant technological advancements and innovations.

According to a McKinsey report, the adoption of AI has more than doubled between 2017 and 2022, and a set of companies with the highest financial returns are pulling ahead of their competitors. However, it is interesting to note that the proportion of organizations using AI has plateaued between 50 and 60 percent for the past few years. On the other hand, the worldwide AI industry is expected to see a substantial economic impact. As of 2023, AI is predicted to contribute a whopping 21% net increase to the United States’ GDP by 2030, highlighting the immense potential of this technology.

The global AI market, valued at over $136 billion, is experiencing robust growth. Various reports predict different growth rates, but all agree on the exponential upward trajectory. One report from Grand View Research expects the market to reach $1.81 trillion by 2030, marking a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 37.3%Another forecast from Marketsandmarkets projects a slightly lower CAGR of 36.8%, but still anticipates the market to be worth an astonishing $1.35 trillion by the end of the decade. 

The AI market landscape isn’t just about numbers and market size; it’s also about how AI will transform various industries. One notable development in the global AI market is the advent of generative AI, with tools like ChatGPT, which was a major breakthrough in the AI industry in 2023. Experimentation with generative AI tools has become relatively common, with many industry experts expecting these new capabilities to revolutionize their respective fields.


Adoption and Usage of AI

The adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) has been growing rapidly in organizations and businesses across various industries. As AI becomes mainstream, different applications have emerged, such as AI companions, chatbots, and self-driving cars, to name a few.

Key Points in this section:

52% of Americans say they feel more concerned than excited about the increased use of artificial intelligence

For individuals, already 97% of mobile users take advantage of AI-powered voice assistance on their smart phones and 40% of people use the voice search function at least once every day. A study by Pew Research Center revealed that 52% of Americans are more concerned than excited about the increasing use of AI in daily life. However, 74% of business executives believe the benefits of generative AI outweigh the potential risks.

One of the prevalent uses of AI is in customer service, where chatbots have become essential in providing quick responses and efficiently handling user inquiries. These virtual assistants have revolutionized customer support, leading to increased satisfaction and improved brand reputation.

Self-driving cars have also been a hot topic in AI adoption, as this technology aims to change transportation and reduce human errors on the road. Companies are investing heavily in this area, seeking to refine the AI algorithms that drive these vehicles faithfully and safely.

Voice search has become another popular AI application, especially with the rise of smart speakers and voice-enabled devices. The convenience of using voice to search for information, play music, or control IoT devices at home has made this technology a widely accepted addition to our daily lives.

The impact of AI on various countries’ GDP and consumption has been significant. Among the benefits, it increases productivity, enhances decision-making, and contributes to overall economic growth. However, as with any emerging technology, there may be risks and challenges that organizations and businesses need to address for smoother AI adoption.

AI in Different Industries

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been making significant strides in various industries, helping businesses streamline their operations and optimize processes. 

Key Points in this section:

  • 76% of marketers use AI in the form of natural language processing (NLP) for basic content creation and copywriting
  • By 2025, NLP is expected to increase to over $43 billion in market cap
  • Manufacturing businesses utilizing AI are performing 12% better than businesses that continue to use traditional methods only.  
  • Within medical research, there could be 25 to 50% time and cost savings for discovering new drugs.
  • AI in telecommunications is expected to rise at a CAGR of 42.6% and reach almost $15 Billion by 2027
  • In supply chain management, 88% of the highest performing companies surveyed say that AI is necessary for their business. 


Businesses are increasingly integrating AI into their workflows. According to a report by IBM, 34% of companies use AI, while 42% are exploring AI. The larger the company, the more likely it is to use AI, with larger companies 100% more likely to use AI than smaller ones, while 41% of smaller companies are developing AI strategies. AI is also transforming the marketing landscape. For example, a survey by eMarketer revealed that 76% of marketers use AI in the form of natural language processing (NLP) do so for basic content creation and copywriting. By 2025, NLP is expected to increase to over $43 billion in market cap. 

NLP programing use forecasted to increase to $43 billion market cap by 2025


In the manufacturing sector, AI enables the automation of tasks, improving efficiency, and reducing human error. Machine learning algorithms can predict equipment failures, thus reducing downtime and maintenance costs. Manufacturing businesses utilizing AI are performing 12% better than businesses that continue to use traditional methods only.  


The healthcare industry is also benefiting from AI’s advancements. AI-powered solutions are assisting in diagnostics, drug discovery, and personalized medicine. For instance, AI algorithms can analyze medical images with high accuracy, aiding in early detection of diseases. In addition, modelling for future research for new drugs suggests that there could be 25 to 50% time and cost savings for discovering new drugs. For a more detailed discussion of AI and deep learning is use in drug discovery, see our article here: Deep Learning for New Drug Treatment: Remarkable Breakthroughs

Retail Industry

When it comes to the retail industry, AI is revolutionizing the way businesses interact with customers. AI-powered chatbots provide instant support and assistance to consumers, enhancing the overall customer experience. Additionally, AI-driven analytics assist retailers in understanding customer preferences, enabling better-targeted marketing campaigns, and inventory management.  According to a McKinsey study, AI stands to create between $259 and $500 Billion in market value within retail.  AI can bring value by allowing companies to use dynamic, real-time price corrections based on supply and demand to offer comparative prices. Another application of AI is indoor navigation, which allows customers to find what they are looking for quickly and easily.  This so-called “global indoor positioning and navigation” market was at almost $7 billion in 2020, and is projected to grow to over $23 billion by 2025 at a CAGR of over 27%


Telecommunications companies utilize AI to improve network performance and connection quality. AI-driven algorithms can predict network congestion, optimize routing, and enhance data security. This contributes to improved customer satisfaction by ensuring seamless communication. From a market cap of almost $12 billion in 2020, AI in telecommunications is expected to rise at a CAGR of 42.6% and reach almost $15 Billion by 2027.

Supply Chain

AI also plays a crucial role in optimizing the supply chain. By leveraging AI, companies can better forecast demand, manage inventory, and improve supplier selection. This ultimately results in cost savings and more efficient logistics operations. A study by IBM showed that 46% of supply chain executives expect AI and cloud applications to be among their greatest areas of investments over the next three years.  In addition, 88% of the highest performing companies surveyed say that AI is necessary for their business. 

Financial Forecasting

AI applications in financial forecasting demonstrate the potential of this technology across a wide range of sectors. AI systems, such as deep learning models, can offer a predictive advantage for forecasting market trends and assisting in making more effective investment decisions. A 2020 survey by the World Economic Form showed that 85% of financial service organizations respondents are already using AI in some form. 

Investments in Startups

Investments and Startups in AI

Key Points in this section:

The world of artificial intelligence has seen a significant influx of interest in recent years, with investments and startups playing a key role in its development. In 2022, the global total corporate investment in AI reached nearly 92 billion U.S. dollars, marking its importance in today’s technological landscape.

AI startups, in particular, have shown impressive growth and have caught the attention of investors. These startups have collectively raised 18 billion U.S. dollars in funding before the pandemic, helping build innovative products that are shaping the future. This support helps these young companies push the boundaries within AI, enabling them to explore new applications of the technology.

The United States has been a frontrunner when it comes to AI investments, with projections that AI might contribute to 21% net increase in the country’s GDP by 2030. According to IBM, the global AI adoption rate was 35% in 2022, up from 31% in the previous year.  A report by Capgemini showed that 96% of organizations have AI on their board’s agenda. This showcases the interest investors have for this rapidly growing field.

Challenges and Benefits of AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a game-changer in various industries, including retail. It helps retail executives transform their business strategies, improving both efficiency and customers satisfaction. With the use of AI technologies, businesses can achieve a competitive advantage. However, implementing AI also comes with its challenges, such as compliance, explainability, transparency, privacy, and cybersecurity.

Big Benefits

One of the key benefits from AI is its ability to process and analyze big data. By leveraging large datasets, businesses can identify consumer trends, optimize supply chain logistics, and develop targeted marketing campaigns. This information ultimately helps companies make better decisions and improve overall customer satisfaction.

Regrettable Drawbacks

Transparency: AI adoption also poses challenges related to transparency, that is, able to be easily understood. As AI models become more complex, it can be difficult for businesses to fully understand how the systems make decisions. This lack of transparency could lead to issues with compliance, as organizations struggle to meet regulatory requirements.

Privacy: Privacy is another concern in the age of AI. The collection and processing of personal data is often necessary for AI to work. Balancing the need for data-driven insights with respecting customer privacy is a delicate task that organizations must address if they want to drive the use of new AI.  For example, a study by Ipsos found that 59% of Americans are concerned about not understanding how AI algorithms work. 

Education: According to a recent survey from the Center for Democracy and Technology, 58% of students report using generative AI to complete assignments.  Much of this can be considered cheating, especially since many teachers are still relatively unaware of this technology. The same study reports that only 43% of teachers have been significantly trained on generative AI. If you are interested in the details of AI detection for exposing cheating in an academic environment, see our post on this topic here.

The Impact on Global Economies

The Impact of AI on Global Economics

Key Points in this section:

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been making waves in various industries, and its impact on global economics is no exception. As more companies and nations invest in AI technologies, the potential for economic growth becomes increasingly evident. PwC’s Global Artificial Intelligence Study predicts that AI technology could contribute an additional $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030. 

One forecast predicts that AI could contribute a significant 21% net increase to the United States GDP by 2030. This growth isn’t limited to the US, as AI could provide a 26% boost to local economies globally. With these numbers in mind, it’s clear that AI is reshaping the world’s economic landscape.

But what’s driving this growth? A key factor is the cost reduction that generative AI can provide. Though its macroeconomic impact should not be overstated, the ability to streamline processes and automate tasks leads to increased productivity and efficiency. Companies that harness AI solutions can stay competitive, fueling economic expansion.

According to McKinsey, when examining the big picture, around $13 trillion could be added to the world economy by 2030 due to AI’s influence. This translates to an average of 1.2% additional GDP growth per year, which is a substantial gain considering the size of the global GDP.

A report by the World Economic Forum suggests that AI could create 97 million new jobs by 2025. Meanwhile, 69% of executives believe AI will lead to the emergence of new job roles and become a source of idea generation. On the flip side, there are concerns about job loss due to AI. The transportation and storage sector faces the highest risk, with 56.4% of jobs potentially being automated

The Unknowns of Future Artificial Intelligence

There are certain questions that are just not known at this time and it will be a subject of much study as more information is gathered by experts.  Below are some of the questions that still need answering.  We hope to keep you up to date on these questions as more information becomes available, but for now, here are the questions that remain hot as AI technology expands. 

  • The impact of AI on job displacement and creation, as the available statistics vary widely and there is ongoing debate about the net effect of AI on employment (source: MIT Technology Review)
  • The ethical implications of AI, including issues such as bias, transparency, and accountability, as there is growing concern about the potential negative consequences of AI (source: Brookings Institution)
  • The adoption of AI in various industries, as there is limited data available on the specific use cases and benefits of AI in different sectors (source: McKinsey & Company)
  • The impact of AI on the environment, as there is limited research on the energy consumption and carbon footprint of AI systems (source: Wired)
  • The potential of AI to address global challenges such as climate change, disease outbreaks, and poverty, as there is ongoing research and development in these areas (source: World Economic Forum)

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key trends in AI for 2023?

In 2023, several trends are shaping the AI industry. Some notable trends include increased focus on explainable AI, personal privacy concerns, and voice search technologies like Amazon’s Alexa and Apple’s Siri becoming more prevalent in the tech space 1. AI-powered voice assistance usage is also growing, as trust becomes a critical factor for AI deployment2.

How is AI adoption growing across industries?

AI adoption is growing across various industries, with supply chain and manufacturing businesses expecting AI adoption rates to increase between 2022 and 20253. Businesses are increasingly recognizing the cost benefits of adopting AI, contributing to its widespread implementation4.

What are some positive impacts of AI on society?

AI is anticipated to have a significant impact on society. By 2030, there’s an estimated 21% net increase to the United States GDP due to AI influences5. Additionally, AI can improve customers’ experiences, enhance business productivity, and assist in customer service, ultimately making processes more efficient in many sectors4.

What percentage of jobs might be eliminated by AI?

It’s difficult to pinpoint an exact percentage of jobs that might be eliminated by AI, as various factors come into play, including the type of industry, job roles, and the development of AI technologies. Nevertheless, certain jobs may be at higher risk, and it’s essential for businesses to recognize the importance of adaptability and retraining to stay competitive in the face of AI advancements.

What are the most significant AI usage statistics?

Some significant AI usage statistics include the growing trend in voice search technologies, with Amazon’s Alexa and Apple’s Siri finding extensive use on smartphones1. Additionally, many customers are open to using AI-powered solutions for an improved user experience, emphasizing AI’s potential role in enhancing customer service4.

How does AI contribute to solving statistics problems?

AI can help solve statistical problems by processing large amounts of data and identifying patterns, trends, and relationships within the data. This allows for more accurate predictions and decision-making, enabling better problem-solving capabilities in multiple domains. AI and machine learning play a crucial role in big data analysis and interpretation, leading to insights that may have been otherwise difficult to discover without AI technologies.


  1. 30+ Artificial Intelligence Statistics and Facts for 2023  2

  2. Answering 10 Most Commonly Asked Questions About Artificial Intelligence 

  3. Artificial Intelligence (AI) worldwide – statistics & facts | Statista 

  4. 10 Artificial Intelligence Statistics You Need to Know in 2023 – Oberlo  2 3

  5. 24 Top AI Statistics & Trends In 2023 – Forbes Advisor 

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